I'm working on an RPG. Well, an engine at the least. So far I lack a good story line, really. Actually, I lack a storyline completely. So far, it's mostly glitch-free, but I have yet to get beyond a very basic battle system and a movement system. Hopefully, it will stay glitch-free. At least the music's not bad. So far, I have just a battle song (played by Engage 7) and a boss song. Not much else... So yeah, I'm hopefully going to finish it.
Wish me luck.
And I'm going to work on a real-time strategy. It might be neat, but I might win $200.
Also, this new anti-adblocker crap doesn't work. You can easily block it again. Also, Tom Fulp, this is a rather idiotic idea. Make people mad and tell them to buy a shirt. Mad people complain and go somewhere else, not buy shirts from the very source of their anger...
The anti-adblocker stuff are funny most of the times >:(
I get annoyed at them, personally. It's not really any reason to buy a shirt.