Okay, I'm starting a band. So far it's a bassist, a keyboardist, a drummer, a singer, and a guitarist (I'm the guitarist). I'm pretty happy about it, except the fact that they don't want to play any metal. Still, I'll probably write some of the songs. I'll probably really annoy them at how much I write the guitar in dropped D tuning. I might be able to get a few songs recorded if I can get some good microphones. The little one my desktop came with is not that amazing... So I guess we need about $100. I found a magazine that I hope still has valid offers in it. 3 microphones with stands for like $100. They also looked not too bad. I need to get some cash before I start talking about buying things, though. Anyways, we've got most of the equipment we need. I've got an Epiphone SG Special with a Studio 10s 10-watt amp, and The Weapon by Digitech. Our singer doesn't have any equipment, so I'll probably buy a bass amp and a microphone. Our keyboardist has an old keyboard that he says would still work. Our drummer has a drum kit. He says it's crappy, but I never heard it. Our bassist is still trying to get his bass from our drummer. As of now, we still need to meet for a first 'practice'. No one can play anything as far as I know, so I'll probably bring some music or something. Who knows. Anyways, expect something to actually happen with my music.
I don't know why I bother posting here anymore... No one seems to check my page or music. I'm probably just going to shift it all to my site or DeviantART or something. I have some watchers on DeviantART that actually comment on my news posts and works.
who's the drummer?